I Dream of You in Colors That Don’t Exist
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A long time ago
You came into existence
And from you all of us were born.
A long time ago
You were home to the first humans
Probably before we decided on things to disagree on
Things to hate each other for
Ways to manipulate power.
A long time ago
You were a culmination of everything right in the universe.
And a long time ago
You gave us as a species
Somewhere to land.
To live.
To experience.
To love.
To grow.
To be.
Nuestra Tierra.
The depths of your ocean we explore
The vast continents we travel
Into your deepest crevices
Your darkest caves
Your warmest islands
We stand.
We walk.
We run
Trying to find something.
We look at you and ponder existence.
Look at you and ponder
How we can show up as the best version of ourselves
To represent the type of beauty that you show us.
So when I dream of you
I dream of everything beautiful.
When I dream of you
I dream of you in blurple and yeen
Gellow and vlue.
I dream of you in browns only you can create
And greens that existed in you first.
I dream of you in the colors that you parented
That we can only replicate.
I dream of you in colors that span the imagination
That stretch across the universe
I dream of you and I think about everyone that has walked down this same street
Across the same field
Traveled the same oceans
For so many years.
I dream of you and I think of everything and nothing at all.
I dream of you and my breath is taken away.
The breath that your trees provide to me.
I dream of you and I think miracle.
I think divine timing.
I think sacred.
I think whole.
I dream of you in grass blades.
I dream of you in flower petals.
I dream of you in streams.
I dream of you in mountain ranges.
I dream of you in valleys.
I dream of you in marsh and swamp.
I dream of you in sand.
I dream of you in grains of sand.
I dream of you in the waves of the sea.
I dream of you in sharedness.
In strength.
In hot magma.
I dream of you in all of the elements.
I dream of you in earth, wind, fire, water.
I dream of you amongst the stars
And then I feel amongst the stars.
I dream of you in tandem with the moon
And then I feel connected to the moon.
I dream of you in colors that don’t exist.